[   e s c a l a ]

Course - XML Development Workshop

Course overview:

XML has become the primary format for creating and storing electronic content in a way that maximizes the value of electronic content as an information asset. This course covers XML and important associated technologies. The main topics cover: XML syntax and structure, validation using DTD and XML Schema, use of Nampespaces, XPath for document navigation and querying, Cascading Style Sheets, XSLT for XML document transformation and presentation, XSL-Formatting Objects for production of print-oriented output, XML database technologies. The course explains how XML is used for both document and data driven applications, providing a close-up view of tools and techniques in action.

This is a highly practical course and has numerous computer-based workshops.

Who should attend:

People who are involved in the development of XML electronic content, whether in technical, commercial, catalogue or new media publishing.

Course objectives:


Lightweight working knowledge of HTML would be useful for some of the practicals.


3 days

Course contents:

On successful completion of this course:

Attendees will be able to understand the wide range of uses, positioning, processing and transformations of XML as is relevant for Web content applications.

For more information, please email your queries to us, please see our contacts page.