[   e s c a l a ]

Course - XML Technology Overview

Course overview:

This course provides an in-depth technical overview of XML and important associated technologies. The main topics cover: XML syntax and structure, validation using DTD and XML Schema, use of Nampespaces, XPath for document navigation and querying, XSLT for XML document transformation and presentation, XSL-Formatting Objects for production of print-oriented output. The course explains how XML is used for both document and data driven applications, providing a close-up view of tools and techniques in action.

This is not a hands-on course. The course includes many demonstrations and paper-based exercises.

Who should attend:

Technical managers, architects, project managers, team leaders.

Course objectives:


An appreciation of the Internet and WWW.


2 days

Course contents:

On successful completion of this course:

Attendees will be able to understand the wide range of uses, positioning, processing and transformations of XML. Attendees will see XML in action through a wide variety of demonstrations.

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